
  • How To Add Metatags on .cshtml Pages in MVC

    I am writing this blog post because a friend was working on this project, and we needed to ensure we had it all set up for SEO. We needed to add the essential SEO page title, keywords, and meta description. To simplify things, we used a few view bags in the action method to pass…Read…

  • Unable to Create Directory wp-content/uploads. Is its Parent Directory Writable by the Server in WordPress

    This error message usually indicates that the server cannot write to the specified directory. In this case, the directory in question is “wp-content/uploads.” How can you fix this permission issue? To fix this error, you must ensure that the server has the correct permissions to write to this directory.One way to do this is to…Read…

  • Difference Between ASP.NET MVC and MVC

    ASP.NET MVC is designed to provide a structured, testable, and maintainable way to build web applications. It allows for a clear separation of concerns between the application’s data, business logic, and user interface, making it easier to develop and maintain complex web applications. According to this Wikipedia post, ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework…Read…